Koryukivka is 366 years old!
A new youth space for the youth of Koryukivka
In the Koryukiv park behind the bus station on the "youth island" work on the arrangement of a new youth space is ongoing. "Cage" was built back in Soviet times, but over time the place became Продовжити читання “Новий молодіжний простір для молоді Корюківки”
About the renaming of streets in the Koryukivka community
Changing street names does not affect the right to own or use property, register a place of residence, and does not lead to additional costs related to entering information or changes to documents/registers. Продовжити читання “Про перейменування вулиць у Корюківській громаді”
Farmers: The state agrarian register has added the function of joining the cabinet of agricultural holdings of lands of Ukrainian citizens
The State Agrarian Register has added the function of joining the cabinet of the agricultural economy of the lands of Ukrainian citizens who are members of the agricultural economy.
The new functionality will allow farms to receive through DAR Продовжити читання “Фермерам: У ДАР додано функцію приєднання до кабінету фермерського господарства земель громадян України”