Procedure for access to public information

Mayor's order
dated November 8, 2017 No. 191


for access to public information,
which is managed by the Koryukiv City Council

All requests for public information received by the Koryukiv City Council are registered by the general department of the executive apparatus of the City Council. A written request can be made either in an arbitrary form or by filling out the appropriate form (Appendix 1).

Information requests are recorded separately. The request for information may be individual or collective.

Requests may be submitted orally, in writing, or in another form (by mail, fax, telephone, e-mail) at the requester's choice.

If for valid reasons (disability, limited physical capabilities, etc.) a person is unable to submit a written request in person, the person responsible for information requests shall complete it and provide a copy of the request to the person who submitted it. If necessary, the responsible persons of the general department or specialists of the legal department of the executive apparatus of the city council provide the requesters with advice on the part of the request.

Запити, оформлені неналежним чином (без зазначення прізвища, ім’я особи, адреси або з порушенням інших вимог, встановлених статтею 19 Закону України «Про доступ до публічної інформації»), не розглядаються.

One response is provided per request. Providing information upon request up to 10 pages inclusive is free of charge. In the event that the satisfaction of the request for information involves the production of copies of documents with a volume of more than 10 pages, the general department of the executive apparatus of the city council in accordance with the Procedure for reimbursement of actual costs for copying or printing of documents provided upon requests for public information, the administrator of which is the Koryukiv City Council, informs the requester.

The requester is obliged to reimburse the actual costs of copying and printing in the amounts approved by this order, which he is informed about in writing.

When providing information about yourself and information of public interest to a person, the fee for copying and printing is not charged.

The City Council provides a response to a request for information no later than five working days from the date of receipt of the request. If the request concerns the provision of a large amount of information or requires the search for information among a large amount of data, the city council may extend the period for consideration of the request up to 20 working days with the justification for such an extension, which shall be notified to the requester in writing no later than five working days from receiving a request.

If the request for information concerns information necessary to protect the life or freedom of a person, regarding the state of the environment, the quality of food products and household items, accidents, catastrophes, dangerous natural phenomena and other extraordinary events that have occurred or may occur and threaten the safety of citizens, the answer is provided no later than 48 hours after receiving the request.

The request for urgent processing of the request must be justified.

Depending on the content of the request, it is sent for consideration to the first deputy mayor, the secretary of the city council, the deputy mayor, the executive committee in charge of affairs in accordance with the distribution of functional powers that determine the executors of the request. According to the resolution, the executor provides relevant information or prepares a draft response. After signing, the answer is registered in the general department of the city council and sent to the addressee.

In the event that several officials are designated as executors, the main executor is the person named first in the resolution, unless otherwise stipulated. To fulfill the assignment, she is given the right to call other executors and coordinate their work.

 According to the results of consideration of requests for information by a specialist of the general department of the executive apparatus of the city council, quarterly reports are prepared on the satisfaction of requests for information in the Koryukiv City Council according to the established form (Appendix 2). The specified information is subject to publication on the institution's official website.

Якщо міська рада відповідно до компетенції, визначеної Законом України «Про місцеве самоврядування в Україні», не володіє інформацією, стосовно якої зроблено запит, або порушено інші вимоги, зазначені статтею 22 Закону України «Про доступ до публічної інформації», вона відмовляє в задоволенні запиту на інформацію, про що заявник повідомляється письмово.

If the city council knows who owns or should own the requested information, the requester is informed about it, and the request is forwarded to the relevant structure along with a cover letter.

Persons who believe that their rights and legitimate interests have been violated during the consideration of information requests by officials of the executive apparatus of the Koryukiv City Council have the right, based on Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", to file a complaint with the city mayor or the court and appeal:

1) refusal to satisfy a request for information;

2) postponement of the satisfaction of the request for information;

3) failure to respond to a request for information;

4) provision of inaccurate or incomplete information;

5) untimely provision of information;

6) failure to fulfill the obligation to disclose information (Article 15);

7) other decisions, actions or inaction that violated the legal rights and interests of the requester.

Court appeals against the decisions, actions or inaction of the manager of information shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure specified by the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine.

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