Purification of power


Full name Position Початок перевірки Документи Висновок
Ковальчук Катерина Олексіївна спеціаліст І категорії сектору реєстрації місця проживання відділу надання адміністративних послуг виконавчого апарату Корюківської міської ради 01.07.2024 Application for inspection


Декларація про майно, доходи, витрати та зобов’язання фінансового характеру за 2023 рік

The results of the inspection
Yulia Vasilievna
Адміністратор сектору адміністративних послуг відділу надання адміністартивних послуг виконавчого апарату Корюківської міської ради 15.11.2023 Application for inspection


Декларація про майно, доходи, витрати та зобов’язання фінансового характеру за 2021 рік

The results of the inspection
Лях Вікторія Геннадіївна Chief specialist of the general department of the executive apparatus of the Koryukiv City Council 15.11.2023 Application for inspection


Декларація про майно, доходи, витрати та зобов’язання фінансового характеру за 2021 рік

The results of the inspection
Maria Mykhailivna Zhmenkivska Leading specialist of the Department of Economy, Transport, Investments and Tourism of the Executive Office of the Koryukivka City Council 02.12.2021 Application for inspection


Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2020

The results of the inspection
Victoria Oleksandrivna Yakovenko Chief specialist of the legal department of the executive apparatus of the Koryukivka City Council 17.06.2021 Application for inspection


Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2020

The results of the inspection
Roman Oleksandrovych Ryabets Chief specialist of the general department of the executive apparatus of the Koryukiv City Council 02.03.2021 Application for inspection


Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2020

The results of the inspection
Iryna Vitaliivna
Chief specialist of the general department of the executive apparatus of the Koryukiv City Council 04.02.2020 Application for inspection


Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2019

The results of the inspection
Yana Serhiivna Yermolenko Head of the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Housing and Communal Services of the City Council - Chief Architect 11.04.2019 Application for inspection


Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2018

The results of the inspection
Yevhenovich Stelmakh
Specialist of the first category of the Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports of the City Council 13.02.2018 Application for inspection


Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2017

The results of the inspection
Alla Ivanivnaа Kun Head of the sector of culture and mass cultural work of the department of education, culture, youth and sports of the city council 01.06.2017 Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2016 Successfully passed the test
Victoria Serhiivna BABICH
Leading specialist of the legal department of the city council 01.06.2017 Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2016 Successfully passed the test
Oksana Leonidovna KUKUIK
Head of the Department of Economy, Transport, Investments and Tourism of the City Council 18.05.2017 Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2016 Successfully passed the test
Olena Oleksandrivna Fedorenko Specialist of the first category of the general department of the city council 13.04.2017 Application for inspection and declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2016 Successfully passed the test
Ivan Oleksandrovychо Vashenko Leading specialist of the legal department of the city council 03.04.2017 Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2016 Successfully passed the test
Zoya Yuriivna Ponomarenko Head of the general department of the city council 06.03.2017 Application for inspection and declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2016 Successfully passed the test
Diana Olegivna Lagodna Specialist of the 1st category of the city council 18.08.2016 Application for inspection and declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2015 Successfully passed the test
Tetyana Mykolayivna Menska Спеціаліст міської ради 09.08.2016 Application for inspection and declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2015 Successfully passed the test
Natalia Oleksiivna
Спеціаліст 2 категорії міської ради 09.08.2016 Application for inspection and declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2015 Successfully passed the test
Olena Volodymyrivna Khomenko Specialist of the 1st category of the city council 09.08.2016 Application for inspection and declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2015 Successfully passed the test
Sergey Mykolayovych
Specialist of the 1st category of the city council 09.08.2016 Application for inspection and declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2015 Successfully passed the test


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