List of questions on knowledge of the legislation of Ukraine

  Attachment 1
order of the mayor
dated January 26, 2017 No. 23


to test knowledge of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine
"On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies", "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" and "On Prevention of Corruption", relevant laws

I. Questions to test knowledge of the Constitution of Ukraine

  1. The main features of the Ukrainian state according to the Constitution of Ukraine (Articles 1, 2).
  2. The form of government in Ukraine (Article 5).
  3. Constitutional status of the state language and languages of national minorities of Ukraine (Article 10).
  4. Objects of property rights of the Ukrainian people (Articles 13, 14).
  5. The most important functions of the state (Article 17).
  6. State symbols of Ukraine (Article 20).
  7. Constitutional right to work, education, social protection and health care (Articles 43, 46, 49, 53).
  8. Duties of a citizen of Ukraine (Articles 65-68).
  9. The right of a citizen of Ukraine to vote (Article 70).
  10. Justice in Ukraine (Article 124)
  11. President of Ukraine (Articles 102, 103)
  12. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Articles 113, 114).
  13. Local executive authorities (Article 118).
  14. Territorial organization of Ukraine (Articles 132, 133).
  15. Local self-government in Ukraine (Article 140).

 II. Questions for testing knowledge of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption"

  1. Entities covered by the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" (Article 3).
  2. Status and composition of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (Articles 4, 5)
  3. Preventing and Dealing with Improper Benefit or Gift (Article 24).
  4. Restrictions on the use of official powers or one's position and the receipt of gifts (Articles 22, 23).
  1. Restrictions on co-operation and co-operation with other types of activities and restrictions on joint work of relatives (Articles 25, 27).
  2. Запобігання та врегулювання конфлікту інтересів (стаття 28).
  3. Measures of external and independent resolution of conflicts of interest (Article 29).
  4. Submission of declarations by persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government (Article 45).
  5. Establishing the timeliness of the declaration submission and full verification of the declaration (Articles 51², 51³).
  6. Monitoring of the way of life of the subjects of declaration (Article 514).
  7. State protection of persons who provide assistance in preventing and combating corruption (Article 53).
  8. Заборона на одержання пільг, послуг і майна органами державної влади та органами місцевого самоврядування (стаття 54).
  9. Anti-corruption expertise (Article 55).
  10. Special Inspection (Article 56).
  11. Liability for corruption or corruption-related offenses (Article 65¹).

III. Questions for testing knowledge of the Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine"

  1. Concept of local self-government, territorial communities, local referendum (Articles 2, 6, 7).
  2. The system and basic principles of local self-government (Articles 4, 5).
  3. Councils are representative bodies of local self-government. Executive authority of councils (Articles 10, 11).
  4. Organizationally – legal, material and financial foundations of local self-government (Article 16).
  5. Powers of executive bodies of village, settlement, city councils (list).
  6. Village, settlement, city head (Article 12).
  7. General competence of village, settlement, city councils (Article 25).
  8. The procedure for the formation of councils (Article 45).
  9. Council deputy (Article 49).
  10. The executive committee of the village, settlement, city, district council in the city (Article 51).
  11. The right of communal property (Article 60).
  12. Local budgets. (Article 61).
  13. Revenues and expenditures of local budgets (Articles 63, 64).
  14. Acts of bodies and officials of local self-government (Article 59).
  15. Mandatory acts and legal requirements of bodies and officials of local self-government (Article 73).

The concept of service in local self-government bodies, a local self-government official according to the Law of Ukraine "On Service in Local Self-Government" (Articles 1, 2).

  1. The concept of service in local self-government , a local self-government official according to the Law of Ukraine "On Service in Local Self-Government" (Articles 1, 2).
  2. Positions in local self-government (Article 3).
  3. The right to serve in local self-government (Article 5).
  4. Basic duties of local self-government officials (Article 8).
  5. Basic rights of local self-government officials (Article 9).
  6. Admission to service in local self-government, oath of local self-government officials (Articles 10, 11).
  7. Restrictions related to admission to service in local self-government(Article 12).
  8. Declaration of income of local self-government officials (Article 13).
  9. Classification of positions in local self-government (Article 14).
  10. Ranks of local self-government officials (Article 15).
  11. Personnel reserve for service in local self-government (Article 16).
  12. Attestation of officials of local self-government (Article 17).
  13. The maximum age for employment in local self-government (Article 18).
  14. Remuneration, holidays and pensions (Article 21).
  15. Grounds for termination of service in local self-government (Article 20).
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