Attachment 1
order of the mayor
dated January 26, 2017 No. 23
to test knowledge of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine
"On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies", "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" and "On Prevention of Corruption", relevant laws
I. Questions to test knowledge of the Constitution of Ukraine
- The main features of the Ukrainian state according to the Constitution of Ukraine (Articles 1, 2).
- The form of government in Ukraine (Article 5).
- Constitutional status of the state language and languages of national minorities of Ukraine (Article 10).
- Objects of property rights of the Ukrainian people (Articles 13, 14).
- The most important functions of the state (Article 17).
- State symbols of Ukraine (Article 20).
- Constitutional right to work, education, social protection and health care (Articles 43, 46, 49, 53).
- Duties of a citizen of Ukraine (Articles 65-68).
- The right of a citizen of Ukraine to vote (Article 70).
- Justice in Ukraine (Article 124)
- President of Ukraine (Articles 102, 103)
- Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Articles 113, 114).
- Local executive authorities (Article 118).
- Territorial organization of Ukraine (Articles 132, 133).
- Local self-government in Ukraine (Article 140).
II. Questions for testing knowledge of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption"
- Entities covered by the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" (Article 3).
- Status and composition of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (Articles 4, 5)
- Preventing and Dealing with Improper Benefit or Gift (Article 24).
- Restrictions on the use of official powers or one's position and the receipt of gifts (Articles 22, 23).
- Restrictions on co-operation and co-operation with other types of activities and restrictions on joint work of relatives (Articles 25, 27).
- Запобігання та врегулювання конфлікту інтересів (стаття 28).
- Measures of external and independent resolution of conflicts of interest (Article 29).
- Submission of declarations by persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government (Article 45).
- Establishing the timeliness of the declaration submission and full verification of the declaration (Articles 51², 51³).
- Monitoring of the way of life of the subjects of declaration (Article 514).
- State protection of persons who provide assistance in preventing and combating corruption (Article 53).
- Заборона на одержання пільг, послуг і майна органами державної влади та органами місцевого самоврядування (стаття 54).
- Anti-corruption expertise (Article 55).
- Special Inspection (Article 56).
- Liability for corruption or corruption-related offenses (Article 65¹).
III. Questions for testing knowledge of the Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine"
- Concept of local self-government, territorial communities, local referendum (Articles 2, 6, 7).
- The system and basic principles of local self-government (Articles 4, 5).
- Councils are representative bodies of local self-government. Executive authority of councils (Articles 10, 11).
- Organizationally – legal, material and financial foundations of local self-government (Article 16).
- Powers of executive bodies of village, settlement, city councils (list).
- Village, settlement, city head (Article 12).
- General competence of village, settlement, city councils (Article 25).
- The procedure for the formation of councils (Article 45).
- Council deputy (Article 49).
- The executive committee of the village, settlement, city, district council in the city (Article 51).
- The right of communal property (Article 60).
- Local budgets. (Article 61).
- Revenues and expenditures of local budgets (Articles 63, 64).
- Acts of bodies and officials of local self-government (Article 59).
- Mandatory acts and legal requirements of bodies and officials of local self-government (Article 73).
The concept of service in local self-government bodies, a local self-government official according to the Law of Ukraine "On Service in Local Self-Government" (Articles 1, 2).
- The concept of service in local self-government , a local self-government official according to the Law of Ukraine "On Service in Local Self-Government" (Articles 1, 2).
- Positions in local self-government (Article 3).
- The right to serve in local self-government (Article 5).
- Basic duties of local self-government officials (Article 8).
- Basic rights of local self-government officials (Article 9).
- Admission to service in local self-government, oath of local self-government officials (Articles 10, 11).
- Restrictions related to admission to service in local self-government(Article 12).
- Declaration of income of local self-government officials (Article 13).
- Classification of positions in local self-government (Article 14).
- Ranks of local self-government officials (Article 15).
- Personnel reserve for service in local self-government (Article 16).
- Attestation of officials of local self-government (Article 17).
- The maximum age for employment in local self-government (Article 18).
- Remuneration, holidays and pensions (Article 21).
- Grounds for termination of service in local self-government (Article 20).