A new interesting opportunity to encourage children to visit museums has appeared in the Koryukivka Historical Museum in the form of a museum suitcase. Продовжити читання “У Корюківці історію можна відчути на дотик: музейна валіза від історичного музею”
Kruty is a symbol of the resilience of the Ukrainian people
On January 29, Ukraine remembers the feat accomplished by young Ukrainians 106 years ago. They repelled the enemy's attack on the capital and gave Kyiv precious time to sign the Brest Peace Treaty - which in turn made it possible for the Fourth Union to recognize the Ukrainian People's Republic as an independent country.
Продовжити читання “Крути – символ стійкості українського народу”
Prevention and countermeasures against domestic violence, human trafficking and gender discrimination: notes from the National Social Service of Ukraine
During 2023, the National Social Service of Ukraine has developed information on prevention and countermeasures against domestic violence, human trafficking, and gender discrimination. Продовжити читання “Запобігання та протидія домашньому насильству, торгівля людьми та дискримінація за ознакою статі: пам’ятки від Національної соціальної сервісної служби України”
Debate in the Koryukivka community: young people on the openness of the government during the war
On January 26, the Koryukivka community held a debate on the topic "Should the openness of government be limited during war?" Продовжити читання “Дебати у Корюківській громаді: молодь про відкритість влади під час війни”
The Koryukivka community was included in the list of territories of possible hostilities
This is stated in order of the Ministry of Reintegration dated 12.20.2023 No. 363, which entered into force on January 25, 2024. Продовжити читання “Корюківська громада увійшла до переліку територій можливих бойових дій”
Roman Zhmenkovsky from Koryukivka became the best track and field athlete of Chernihiv Oblast among his peers
On January 16, in Kyiv, during the championship of the Chernihiv region in athletics, the best athletes were awarded according to the results of the previous year. Продовжити читання “Роман Жменьковський із Корюківки став кращим легкоатлетом Чернігівщини серед однолітків”