Collection of budget proposals completed

The collection of proposals for the budget of the Koryukivka urban territorial community for 2025 has been completed. During the month, we received 28 proposals from caring residents.

Among the submitted ideas, proposals for road repairs, roadside clearing, and commemoration of the Defenders Heroes.

We thank everyone who participated. During the budget formation, all suggestions will be considered, and if possible, we will implement some of them.
Together we develop our community!

The initiative is implemented within the framework of the project "Voice of the community in local self-government bodies in Chernihiv region", which is implemented by the NGO "Polish Foundation for International and Regional Studies" within the framework of the "Decentralization brings better results and efficiency" (DOBRE) program, which is implemented by the international organization Global Com' units (Global Communities) and is financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
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