
Congratulations to the residents of the Koryukivka Territorial Community!

To promote e-democracy in our community and solve public issues - You can submit an e-petition.

⇒ Submit a petition

How many signatures the petition must collect - 100
How many days to collect signatures - 60

We emphasize that the submitted petition should contain only the essence of the issue raised by you and the proposal for its solution.

If your petition has received the required number of votes, it will be considered (no later than in three days) by the mayor or a member of the executive staff of the city council.

If the issue raised in the petition will require collegial discussion, it will be considered at an executive committee council session, where the author of the petition is also invited.

After the review of the petition at the executive committee/session, a decision will be published on the official website of the city council whether the petition is supported or not (no later than 10 days from the date of publication of information about the beginning of the review of the petition).

More about the petition review procedure:

The procedure for consideration of an electronic petition addressed to the Koryukiv City Council


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