Secretary of the Council

Anastasia Viktorivna Plushch

secretary of the Koryukiv City Council

Address: 15300, Koryukivka, Chernihiv region, st. Bulvarna, 6

Phone: (04657) 21645

Fax: (04657) 21476


Personal reception of citizens: every Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

* information on the reception of citizens can be obtained in advance by calling the indicated phone number or directly by personal application



Was born December 22, 1986 in Koryukivka. A citizen of Ukraine.

Education: higher education

In 2008, she graduated from the National Agrarian University, majoring in law; qualification - specialist in law.

In 2015, she graduated from the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, majoring in land management and cadastre; qualification - land engineer.


From 2006 to 2007 - parts and paper products assembler at OJSC "Koryukiv Technical Paper Factory";

2008 – legal advisor of PSP "Zlagoda";

From 2008 to 2010 - specialist, specialist of the II category, chief legal adviser of the Derzhkomzem Department in the Koryukiv district of the Chernihiv region;

From 2010 to 2014, he was the chief legal adviser of the Department of the State Land Agency in the Koryukiv district of the Chernihiv region;

From 2014 to 2016, he was the head of the registration service of the Koryukiv District Department of Justice of the Chernihiv Region;

In 2016, he was the deputy head of the Koryukiv District Department of Justice of the Chernihiv Region for matters of state registration; head of the state registration department, state registrar of the Koryukiv district state administration.

From 2016 to 2020 - legal advisor, head of the land department, head of the legal department of the "Red Lighthouse" PSP

Since December 2, 2020, he has been the secretary of the Koryukiv City Council.

Main functions and areas of work:

- Organizes the preparation of sessions of the city council, issues brought to the council's consideration, ensures timely delivery of city council decisions to executives and the population, organizes control over their implementation.

- Assists the deputies of the city council in the exercise of their powers.

- Organizes, on behalf of the city council, in accordance with the legislation, the implementation of activities related to the preparation and holding of referenda and elections to state and local self-government bodies.

- Conducts personal reception of citizens.

- In the cases stipulated by part six of Article 46 of the Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine", convenes city council sessions, conducts council meetings and signs minutes of city council sessions and decisions made by it.

– In the case of early termination of powers or absence (vacation, business trip, etc.) of the mayor, he exercises the powers of the mayor, in particular:

  — holds meetings of the executive committee of the council and the city council;

  -signs the decisions of the council and the executive committee;

  -represents the city council and the executive committee in relations with state authorities, local self-government, institutions, enterprises, organizations;

  — concludes contracts, performs other acts on behalf of the city council and the executive committee in accordance with current legislation;

  — signs financial, settlement documents and mandatory reporting documents;

  — ensures timely proof of decisions council to the executors and the population, organizes control over their implementation, ensures the publication of decisions council according to of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", ensures official publication of decisions council, which according to the law are regulatory acts, as well as documents prepared in the process of the council's regulatory activity, and information about the council's regulatory activity;

  — ensures the storage of official documents related to the local self-government of the relevant territorial community, ensures access to them by persons granted this right in the prescribed manner;

  — exercises other powers of the mayor in accordance with current legislation;

- Within the limits of the current legislation, coordinates the activities of permanent and other commissions of the city council, gives them instructions, helps organize the implementation of their recommendations.

- Ensures consideration of electronic petitions received at the address of the City Council.

- Headed by:

  — attestation commission of the Koryukiv City Council;

  — competition commission of the Koryukiv City Council;

  — commission for settlement of land disputes on the territory of the Koryukiv City Council;

  — other organizational commissions, committees and councils, which are created to fulfill assigned duties and powers.

- Contributes to the work of city council commissions and its executive committee according to the profile of its activity.

- Signs financial, settlement documents and mandatory reporting documents.

- Has the right to sign contracts: purchase and sale of goods, for the performance of works and services; approval of consolidated estimates of the cost of construction, building titles (objects) or transitional building titles (objects), intra-building building titles (objects), titles for the execution of design and search works for construction, calendar schedules of works, plans financing of works, defective certificates, tasks for the development of design and estimate documentation, acceptance certificates - execution of contract works and certificates on the cost of completed works and expenses, certificates of acceptance and transfer of services provided, invoices, goods and transport invoices, documents confirming the purchase of goods , works and services for public funds in accordance with the legislation in the field of public procurement, official documents prepared for sending to enterprises, institutions, organizations and establishments regardless of the form of ownership.

- Decides, on the authority of the mayor or the city council, other issues related to the activities of the council and its executive bodies.

Declarations about property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature

Декларація про майно, доходи, витрати і зобов’язання фінансового характеру за 2023 рік

Декларація про майно, доходи, витрати і зобов’язання фінансового характеру за 2022 рік

Декларація про майно, доходи, витрати і зобов’язання фінансового характеру за 2021 рік 

Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2020

Declaration of property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature for 2019

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