- п’ять термосів для транспортування їжі із нержавіючої сталі об’ємом 10 л;
- шість термосів для напоїв об’ємом 10 літрів;
- два душові піддони;
- два набори гарнітури для душу (змішувач для душу, шланг з душовою лійкою, вертикальна штанга з поличкою, кронштейном та тримачем для душу);
- два бойлери об’ємом 100 літрів;
- шість пральних машин;
- шість сушильних машин.
Thank you very much DOBRE Program та старшому програмному спеціалісту Програми DOBRE Наталії Сафроновій за підтримку в цей складний час війни. Дане обладнання допоможе створити необхідні умови перебування для переселенців, які втратили своє житло або вимушені були його покинути через війну.
USAID Decentralization Brings Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE) program is a nine-year program implemented by the international organization Global Communities and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The program is aimed at strengthening local self-government and creating better conditions for the development of territorial communities, increasing the level of citizen involvement in decision-making and ensuring accountability and transparency in public administration.
English version
The Koryukiv community received assistance under the emergency response project from the USAID Program “Decentralization Brings Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE):
- five thermoses for transporting food made of stainless steel with a volume of 10 liters;
- six thermoses for drinks with a volume of 10 liters;
- two shower trays;
- two sets of shower sets (shower mixer, hose with shower head, vertical bar with shelf, bracket and shower holder);
- two boilers with a volume of 100 liters;
- six washing machines;
- six dryers.
We are sincerely grateful to the DOBRE Program and DOBRE Program Senior Program Specialist Nataliya Safronova for their support in this difficult time of war. This equipment will help create the necessary living conditions for displaced persons who lost their homes or were forced to leave them due to the war.
USAID’s Decentralization Brings Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE) program is a nine-year program implemented by the international organization Global Communities and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The program is aimed at strengthening local self-government and creating better conditions for the development of territorial communities, increasing the level of citizen involvement in decision-making and ensuring accountability and transparency in public administration.