The youth successfully completed an internship at the city council

Two weeks of youth internship in the Koryukivka city council were interesting, meaningful and rich.
In two weeks, the trainees got acquainted with the work of the city council, namely the trainees Polina Barsuk and Karina Myronchuk immersed themselves in the
practical work ofDepartment of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports of the Koryukivka City Council, and Marina Kukuyuk motivated herself to study the specifics of the work of the legal department.
On the last day of the internship, the interns shared their impressions of working in the local community with the head of the community, Ratan Akhmedov. During the conversation, the chairman noted that replenishing the staff with young specialists is one of the priorities of the city council and there is a real possibility of further employment for trainees. 
We thank the girls for their activity and inclusion, and the employees of the departments for sharing their own experience with our youth. Further success! 

This project was made possible thanks to the initiative of youth internships in local government from the "Decentralization brings better results and efficiency" (DOBRE) program, implemented by the international organization Global Communities and financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
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